Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory


We are thrilled and blessed each and every time a child is baptized and begins their journey towards full initiation in the Catholic Church. The decision parents make to baptize their child in the Catholic Church is an invitation to the parish community to journey with them in the faith development of their child. To help parents understand the full meaning of baptism before baptizing their child, we ask parents to attend a Baptism Preparation class. This class has no fee and is offered at the parent's convenience. 

Please Contact

Deb Forstner
207 N Vine Street
Fergus Falls , MN 56537
Phone: 320-292-1016 320-292-1016
E-mail Address:
Baptism Welcome Letter.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [210.7 KB]
Baptismal Information Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [84.8 KB]

Regular Hours

Current Bulletin

26 January 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]
19 January 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]

Parish School/Preschool

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© 2014 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church