Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory


An automatic contribution is a hassle free way to make your monthly contributions.

This form is used as an agreement with Church of Our Lady of Victory for contributions, donations and/or payments set up on a schedule for automatic processing.  Please read, complete if interested, and return to Joel Myhre at joel@ffolvchurch.org  

Automatic Payment Agreement
ACH (Automatic Clearing House) is an electronic banking network used for electronic transactions.
ACH Form.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [41.5 KB]

Regular Hours

Current Bulletin

26 January 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]
19 January 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]

Parish School/Preschool

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© 2014 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church