Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory


The saving words and deeds of Jesus Christ are the foundation of what He would communicate in the Sacraments through the ministers of the Church. Guided by the Holy Spirit, the Church recognizes the Sacraments instituted by the Lord and through the Sacraments, God shares His holiness with us so that we, in turn, can make the world holier.


We recognize that the Sacraments have a visible and invisible reality, a reality open to all the human senses but grasped in its God-given depths with the eyes of faith. When parents hug their children, for example, the visible reality we see is the hug. The invisible reality the hug conveys is love. We cannot "see" the love the hug expresses, though sometimes we can see its nurturing effect in the child.


For information on a specific Sacrament, see the column on the left.

Deb Forstner, Faith Formation
207 N Vine Street
Fergus Falls , MN 56537
Phone: 320-292-1016 320-292-1016
E-mail Address:

Regular Hours

Current Bulletin

15 September 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]
8 September 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.6 MB]

Contact Us

Our Lady of Victory Church

207 North Vine Street

Fergus Falls, MN 56537


Phone: 218 736-2429 or contact@ffolvchurch.org

Parish School/Preschool

Our Lady of Victory School is more than just an educational institution.  Our school is an environment where active learning takes place as students learn about the world and themselves. Our faculty’s educational expertise and personal dedication are key to our culture of mutual respect and cooperation.  Please click here for more information:  


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© 2014 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church