Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory

Welcome to Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church

Mass times:

Saturdays 4:30 p.m.


Sundays 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.

Message From Father Alan


On this Fourth Sunday of Easter we celebrate both First Reconciliation and First Communion at St. Elizabeth!

God’s grace continues to flow through the sacraments bringing new life and renewal.  Next Sunday we will celebrate

Confirmation for the area parishes with a 2:00 p.m. Mass at Our Lady of Victory.  Come Holy Spirit to guide and confirm the faith of our young people as they journey through life!  

We are including two “job postings” for our Pelican Valley ACC with the bulletin this weekend.  As the needs of our ACC for business management,  communications and development increase, this restructuring reflects the same approach that other ACC’s are finding to be both necessary and successful.  All of our current office staff in our three parishes, as well as others, are welcome to apply for these positions.  The secretary positions at all three parishes will continue the same.

We also have an opening for High School Faith Formation/Youth Minister for Our Lady of Victory and St. Elizabeth.  An important new component of this position includes serving as liaison and promoter of our Catholic involvement with the Young Life program.  Bishop Patrick has asked our Pelican Valley ACC specifically to move forward and implement this partnership.  We are blessed with a strong, local Young Life (high school)/Wild Life (middle school) program which has always had some involvement from our Catholic youth, and are now seeking to be more intentional.  We are looking for young adults who would be interested in walking more closely with our youth, forming relationships with them that can encourage their relationship with Jesus.  Training is provided!  And we will be inviting the participation of our youth.   More Easter blessings!!  Fr. Alan



¡En este Cuarto Domingo de Pascua celebramos tanto la Primera Reconciliación como la Primera Comunión en Santa Isabel!

La gracia de Dios continúa fluyendo a través de los sacramentos, trayendo nueva vida y renovación.  El próximo domingo celebraremos

Confirmación para las parroquias de la zona con una 2:00 p.m. Misa en Nuestra Señora de la Victoria.  ¡Ven Espíritu Santo para guiar y confirmar la fe de nuestros jóvenes en su camino por la vida!

Incluimos dos "ofertas de trabajo" para nuestro ACC de Pelican Valley con el boletín de este fin de semana.  A medida que aumentan las necesidades de nuestro ACC para la gestión empresarial, las comunicaciones y el desarrollo, esta reestructuración refleja el mismo enfoque que otros ACC consideran necesario y exitoso.  Todo nuestro personal de oficina actual en nuestras tres parroquias, así como otras, son bienvenidos a postularse para estos puestos.  Los puestos de secretario en las tres parroquias continuarán siendo los mismos.

También tenemos una vacante para la Formación en la Fe de la Escuela Secundaria / Ministro de Jóvenes para Nuestra Señora de la Victoria y Santa Isabel.  Un nuevo componente importante de esta posición incluye servir como enlace y promotor de nuestra participación católica en el programa Vida Joven.  El Obispo Patrick ha pedido específicamente a nuestro CCA de Pelican Valley que avance e implemente esta asociación.  Hemos sido bendecidos con un fuerte programa local de Vida Joven (escuela secundaria) / Vida Salvaje (escuela secundaria) que siempre ha tenido alguna participación de nuestros jóvenes católicos, y ahora estamos tratando de ser más intencionales.  Estamos buscando adultos jóvenes que estén interesados en caminar más de  cerca con nuestros jóvenes, formando relaciones con ellos que puedan fomentar su relación con Jesús.  ¡Se proporciona capacitación!  Y estaremos invitando a la participación de nuestros jóvenes.   ¡¡Más bendiciones de Pascua!!  P. Alan



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Pelican Valley Acc Job Openings

APRIL, 2024          

Executive Director of Program Operations, Stewardship, and Communications

The Pelican Valley Area Catholic Community (ACC), serving Fergus Falls, Pelican Rapids, and Elizabeth, seeks a Director of Parish Operations which serves as a professional administrator and strategic leader for the ACC and Our Lady of Victory (OLV) School. The director supports the Pastor with a primary focus on Parish Operations, Human Resources, Development, Finance, OLV School, Team Management and Communication. As a trusted partner with the Pastor, the Director provides leadership, strategic direction, and coordination for all parish and school activities including stewardship. This position plays a key role in growing the ACC and school, driving the organizational vision, and the positive financial performance of all. Requirements:  Bachelor’s Degree and 5 years of experience in business management/leadership, experience in non-profit organizations, experience in human resource practices, and the ability to work as a team with a service mindset. Salary commensurate with education and experience. For a copy of the full job description, visit our website at:  ffolvchurch.org. Resumes and letters of interest can be sent to Father Alan Wielinski, 207 North Vine St, Fergus Falls, MN. 56537 or fatheralan@ffolvchurch.org


Accounting Services

The Pelican Valley Area Catholic Community, (ACC) which includes Catholic parishes of Fergus Falls, Pelican Rapids, and Elizabeth, is seeking professional bookkeeping and accounting services. We are open to an individual or a business applying. This would include accounts payable, accounts receivable, payroll for the ACC as well as OLV school, audit preparation, and financial reporting preparation. This person or business would be in direct communication with delegation of duties from the Director of Administration/Communications and ACC /Parish Stewardship. Please include qualifications, references, and a quote on costs and scope of services. Please submit to Father Alan Wielinski, 207 North Vine St, Fergus Falls, MN. 56537 or fatheralan@ffolvchurch.org


High School Faith Formation/Youth Ministry


Our Lady of Victory and St. Elizabeth Parishes are seeking leaders for youth ministry and high school faith formation/Confirmation.  We are open to hiring an individual, or individuals who would share in a team approach to this ministry, joining other leaders in faith formation and youth ministry in our Pelican Valley Area Catholic Community.  Youth ministry will have an emphasis on encouraging participation of our youth in “Young Life” (or “Wild Life” for middle school) and recruiting mentors to receive Young Life training.  It will also support participation in diocesan youth rallies and retreats.  Primary qualifications are knowledge of and love for our Catholic faith, a desire to witness a relationship with Christ, and love for our youth.   Please contact Father Alan (fatheralan@ffolvchurch.org) or Deb Forstner (deb@ffolvchurch.org)  to review job descriptions and apply.

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2024 Executive Director of Parish Opera[...]
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To access your MSP account (update you profile, indicate the days you cannot serve, check your schedule, etc.) click the above image

Are you interested in learning more about

the Catholic Faith? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which unbaptized and baptized adults of other faiths are fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Contact Jennifer Dummer for more information at jennifer@ffolvchurch.org

or 218-736-2429 ext. 15.


I nspired by Mary, 

N ourished by Word and Sacrament, 

R ejoicing in the Lord, and 

I gnited by the Spirit 


We are sent to love and serve, as we journey toward the Kingdom! 

Regular Hours

Current Bulletin

April 21, 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.8 MB]
April 14, 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [744.0 KB]

Contact Us

Our Lady of Victory Church

207 North Vine Street

Fergus Falls, MN 56537


Phone: 218 736-2429 or contact@ffolvchurch.org

Parish School/Preschool

Our Lady of Victory School is more than just an educational institution.  Our school is an environment where active learning takes place as students learn about the world and themselves. Our faculty’s educational expertise and personal dedication are key to our culture of mutual respect and cooperation.  Please click here for more information:  



Our Lady of Victory Catholic School is accepting applications for a Full-time 6th-grade Teacher starting August 2024. OLV School has a supportive staff that creates a positive work environment. Class size averages 15 students per class. Successful candidates are able to demonstrate classroom management skills, work as part of a team, live out Christian values, and hold each child as an amazing gift from God to be cherished and helped to grow in their knowledge and faith.  Candidates need a current MN 1-6 teaching license. 

Applications can be emailed to Jake Raths, OLV School Principal, at jraths@ffolv.org. Applications are available on our website ffolvschool.org. Please include your resume, cover letter, and 3 letters of recommendation.

Registration continues at OLV for students entering Preschool through sixth grade. Registration information can be found on the school's website. You can also call the school office with any question.


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© 2014 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church