Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory

School soot levels lower than anticipated;

Re-opening anticipated for early March

Our Lady of Victory School did not experience the level of soot that was first anticipated, which should make the cleaning process less intensive once clean-up begins, according to the hygienist report released Friday.

However, the report will require the two cleaning companies bidding for the work, ServiceMaster of Fergus Falls and Restore 24 of St. Cloud, to adjust their bids. The adjusted bids are expected to be completed next week. School clean-up work can begin once a bid is accepted. ServiceMaster has estimated it would take about two weeks to clean the school. Should clean-up begin on Feb. 17, the estimated completion date would be March 3.

OLV school classes will continue to be held at The Church of the Nazarene, and Faith Formation classes at First Lutheran Church until the school re-opens.

Church update

Due to the delay in school clean-up due to the need for the soot analysis, clean-up has begun in earnest in the church and Fellowship Hall.

ServiceMaster staff completed the clean-up of the Fellowship Hall and contents in the storage areas. This work will allow the movement of church pews into the Fellowship Hall as they get cleaned. The church kitchen and its contents within it also has been cleaned, and the doors have been sealed with containment walls to prevent cross-contamination.

The smoke damage to the church will require replacement of flooring and re-painting in addition to cleaning. It is estimated that the church could be ready for masses by mid-May.

Church services will continue at St. Elizabeth until further notice, including 4:30 p.m. on Saturday and 10:30 a.m. on Sunday, with St. Elizabeth’s regular service at 8:30 a.m.

There has been discussion about using the school gymnasium for masses should it open by the anticipated March 3 date. However, Father Alan Wielinski emphasized that school operations will be the priority once the gymnasium opens.

Office update

Church office demolition began in earnest last week, along with the process of reviewing, cleaning of and storage of office contents off-site.

Church staff are now operating out of a temporary office at 125 W. Lincoln Ave., Suite 3.

A committee is being established to consider options regarding rebuilding the office space and the reconciliation room. This committee, led by Deacon Dean, is in the early stages of being formed, looking at options, and developing a plan forward. As it progresses through this rebuilding process, the committee will seek input from parishioners so the parish needs can be met.  

OLV cleanup in pictures

Welcome to Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church

Mass times:

Saturdays 4:30 p.m.

Sundays 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.


 Message from Father Alan

It was a very quick visit back to our ACC this past weekend, shorter than originally planned. I am sorry I didn’t get to stay for a second weekend as I had intended, but I was with you long enough to experience the resilient spirit of everyone working together, moving forward in Christ as we are called by the Spirit. As Father Lucho has been emphasizing at the outset of this Year of Jubilee, we are pilgrims of hope! I thoroughly enjoyed seeing everyone at the weekend liturgies held at St. Elizabeth and at the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord at St Leonard. Thanks again for all the kindness and support shown to me personally. On Monday I had a wonderful visit with my family. On Tuesday  I met with the OLV and St Elizabeth staff and heard how they have been experiencing the aftermath of the fire. Mostly they are struck by how well everything has been going both for the OLV church and school with the cooperation, generosity, and collaboration of so many. The downtown office space as well as the area churches accommodate everyone very nicely. Fr. Lucho is providing steady guidance to the staff as well as keeping in close touch with the restoration process at the church which has many volunteers stepping forward to help. Tuesday afternoon I also met with a large group coming forward to help with the recovery efforts and planning for the future. Moving forward, Deacon Dean will be convening a building committee on a weekly basis which will oversee all aspects of the recovery and rebuilding. They will provide timely reports to the parish. If you are interested in serving on this committee or helping in any way, please contact Deacon Dean or the parish office.


God bless you all,


Fr. Alan



Fue una visita muy rápida a nuestra ACC el fin de semana pasado, más corta de lo planeado originalmente. Lamento no haber podido quedarme un segundo fin de semana como tenía previsto, pero estuve con ustedes el tiempo suficiente para experimentar el espíritu resiliente de todos trabajando juntos, avanzando en Cristo como somos llamados por el Espíritu. Como ha subrayado el P. Lucho al comienzo de este Año Jubilar, ¡somos peregrinos de esperanza! Disfruté mucho viendo a todos en las liturgias de fin de semana que se celebraban en Santa Isabel y en la reunión de la Candelaria en San Leonardo. Gracias de nuevo por toda la amabilidad y el apoyo que me han mostrado personalmente. El lunes tuve una visita maravillosa con mi familia. El martes me reuní con el personal de OLV-St Elizabeth y escuché cómo han estado experimentando las secuelas del incendio. Sobre todo, me sorprende lo bien que ha ido todo, tanto para la iglesia OLV como para la escuela, con la cooperación, la generosidad y la colaboración de tantos. El espacio de oficinas del centro de la ciudad, así como las iglesias de la zona, se adaptan muy bien a todos. El P. Lucho está proporcionando una guía constante al personal, así como manteniéndose   en  estrecho   contacto  con   el  proceso   de

restauración   de  la   iglesia,   que   cuenta  con   muchos que dan un paso al frente para ayudar. El martes por la tarde también me reuní con un grupo grande que se presentó para ayudar con los esfuerzos de recuperación y la planificación para el futuro. En el futuro, el diácono Dean convocará semanalmente a un comité de construcción que supervisará todos los aspectos de la recuperación y la reconstrucción. Ellos proporcionarán informes oportunos a la parroquia. Si usted está interesado en servir en este comité o ayudar de alguna manera, por favor comuníquese con el Diácono Decano o con la oficina parroquial.


Dios los bendiga a todos,


P. Alan

The Journey

January 2025 issue

Father Lucho explores renewing our commitment with God this new year. As we recall the many ways we shared the joy of God in 2024, let us look forward to this 2025 Jubilee year with a heart open to His Word.

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To access your MSP account (update your profile, indicate the days you cannot serve, check your schedule, etc.) click the above image

Are you interested in learning more about

the Catholic Faith? 

The Order of Christian Initiation of Adults (OCIA) is the process by which unbaptized and baptized adults of other faiths are fully initiated into the Catholic Church.

Contact Fr. Alan for more information at:


or 218-736-2429 ext. 12


I nspired by Mary, 

N ourished by Word and Sacrament, 

R ejoicing in the Lord, and 

I gnited by the Spirit 


We are sent to love and serve, as we journey toward the Kingdom! 

Regular Hours

Current Bulletin

9 February 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [3.1 MB]
2 February 2025.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]

Parish School/Preschool

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© 2014 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church