Our Lady of Victory
Our Lady of Victory

Contributions still accepted for Marathon!

Click here to contribute online.

A message from Bishop Patrick Neary about faithful citizenship and this year's election

Welcome to Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church

Mass times:

Saturdays 4:30 p.m.

Sundays 8:30 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.


 Message from Father Alan


Blessed are you, Lord our God,

Creator of heaven and earth

and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ:

we praise you for your glory

and thank you for your goodness to us.

We praise you for your generous gifts

and for bringing fruitful results to our labors.

As we rejoice in your kindness,

we pray also for those who are in need.

Open our hearts to them,

and teach us to be as generous to others

as you are to us.

Gracious and bounteous God,

help us all to follow Jesus our Lord

and so bear eternal fruit for you.

Blessed are you, Lord our God, for ever and ever.


Harvest blessings everyone, Fr. Alan and Fr. Lucho




Bendito seas, Señor nuestro Dios,

Creador del cielo y de la tierra

y Padre de nuestro Señor Jesucristo:

Te alabamos por tu gloria

Y gracias por su bondad hacia nosotros.

¡Te alabamos por tus generosos dones

y por dar resultados fructíferos a nuestros trabajos.

Al regocijarnos en tu bondad,

Rezamos también por los necesitados.

Ábreles nuestros corazones,

y nos enseñan a ser igual de generosos con los demás

como lo eres para nosotros.

Dios misericordioso y generoso,

ayúdanos a todos a seguir a Jesús nuestro Señor

y así dar fruto eterno para ti.

Bendito seas, Señor nuestro Dios, por los siglos de los siglos.


La cosecha bendice a todos, P. Alan y P. Lucho




The Journey

September 2024 issue

See our new staff members, updates on mini-retreats, end-of-school reflections and more! Spanish version also available.

Download myParish for your mobile device from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android)

To access your MSP account (update you profile, indicate the days you cannot serve, check your schedule, etc.) click the above image

Are you interested in learning more about

the Catholic Faith? 

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process by which unbaptized and baptized adults of other faiths are fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Contact Fr. Alan for more information at fatheralan@ffolvchurch.org

or 218-736-2429 ext. 12


I nspired by Mary, 

N ourished by Word and Sacrament, 

R ejoicing in the Lord, and 

I gnited by the Spirit 


We are sent to love and serve, as we journey toward the Kingdom! 

Regular Hours

Current Bulletin

13 October 2024 .pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [737.1 KB]
6 October 2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [2.7 MB]

Contact Us

Our Lady of Victory Church

207 North Vine Street

Fergus Falls, MN 56537


Phone: 218 736-2429 or contact@ffolvchurch.org

Parish School/Preschool

Our Lady of Victory School is more than just an educational institution.  Our school is an environment where active learning takes place as students learn about the world and themselves. Our faculty’s educational expertise and personal dedication are key to our culture of mutual respect and cooperation.  Please click here for more information:  


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© 2014 Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church